
71. Measuring Intrinsic Curvature of Space with Electromagnetism, Mason Mabin, Maria Becker, Herman Batelaan, Physics Teacher, Provisionally Accepted (2016).

70. An Acoustic Analog for a Quantum Mechanical Level-Splitting Route to Band Formation. Marissa D'Onofrio, Mitchell Crum, Timothy Canalichio, Tyler Bull, Herman Batelaan, Shawn A. Hilbert, American Journal of Physics, Accepted (2016).

69. Dispersionless forces and the Aharonov-Bohm effect. H. Batelaan and M. Becker, European Physics Letters, published. (2015).

68. Laser control of electron matter waves. Eric Jones, Maria Becker, Jom Luiten, and Herman Batelaan, invited review paper to Lasers and Photonics. accepted. (2015).

67. Path integrals, matter waves, and the double slit. Eric R Jones, Roger A Bach and Herman Batelaan European Journal of Physics, Volume 36, Number 6 (2015).

66. Spin-dependent two-color Kapitza-Dirac effects. S. McGregor, W. C.-W. Huang, B. A. Shadwick, and H. Batelaan, Phys. Rev. A 92, 023834 (2015).

65. On the classical coupling between gravity and electromagnetism, Maria G. Becker, Adam Caprez, and Herman Batelaan, Atoms 3(3), 320-338 (2015).

64. Quantized Excitation Spectrum of the Classical Harmonic Oscillator in Zero-Point Radiation, Wayne Cheng-Wei Huang, H. Batelaan, Found. of Phys.45, 333 (2015).

63. Do Dispersionless Forces Exist? Herman Batelaan and Scot McGregor, Invited paper for Tonomura Memorial Book, World Scientific Press. "In Memory of Akira Tonomura, Physicist and Electron Microscopist" (With DVD-ROM) Edited by: Kazuo Fujikawa (RIKEN, Japan), Yoshimasa A Ono (Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan) (2014).

62. A low-power optical electron switch, Wayne Cheng-Wei Huang, Roger Bach, Peter Beierle and Herman Batelaan, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47, 085102 (2014).

61. Electric and Magnetic Field Sensing with a Charged Particle Lau Interferometer. R.Bach and H. Batelaan. In preparation for APL (2012)

60. Quantized Excitation Spectrum of the Classical Harmonic Oscillator in Zero-Point Radiation, Wayne Cheng-Wei Huang, H. Batelaan, submitted to PRL (2012) arXiv:1206.6891

59. Dynamics Underlying the Gaussian Distribution of the Classical Harmonic Oscillator in Zero-Point Radiation, Wayne Cheng-Wei Huang, H. Batelaan, submitted to PRA (2012), arXiv:1206.5323

58. Controlled double-slit electron diffraction. R. Bach, D. Pope, S. H. Liou, H. Batelaan, submitted to New.J.Phys (2012);;
(Highlighted in the half hour movie: “The Challenge of Quantum Reality,“

57. Measurement of the ultrafast temporal response of a plasmonic antenna, M. Becker, W. Huang, H. Batelaan, E.J. Smythe, F. Capasso, Ann. der Phys. 5, 201200206 (2012).

56. On the relation between the Feynman paradox and the Aharonov–Bohm effects, S. McGregor, R. Hotovy, A. Caprez and H. Batelaan, New J. Phys. 14, 093020 (2012).

55. Dispersion compensation for attosecond electron pulses, P. Hansen, C. Baumgarten, H. Batelaan, and M. Centurion, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 083501 (2012).

54. Transverse quantum Stern–Gerlach magnets for electrons. S. McGregor, R. Bach, H.Batelaan, New J. of Phys. 13, 065018 (2011).
(This paper is an invited paper for a special issue on matter optics.)

53. Experimental observation of time-delays associated with electric Matteucci–Pozzi phase shifts. S. Hilbert, A. Caprez, H. Batelaan - New J. of Phys., 13 093025 (2011).
(This paper is selected as a monthly highlight in NJP and accompanied with a video abstract.)

52. Quantum description and properties of electrons emitted from pulsed nanotip electron sources. P. Lougovski, H. Batelaan - Physical Review A, 84, 023417 (2011).

51. More variations on Aharonov–Bohm. Peter A. Sturrock, Timothy R. Groves, Alexander Ershkovich, C. Alden Mead, Herman Batelaan, and Akira Tonomura, More variations on Aharonov–Bohm, Physics Today LETTERS 63, Issue 4, (2010).

50. The Answer to Rising Gas Prices...Nitrogen? F. Lee, H. Batelaan, Physics Teacher 48 160 (2010).

49. The Aharonov–Bohm effects: Variations on a subtle theme, H. Batelaan and A. Tonomura, Phys. Today 62 September 38 (2009).
(Cover Physics Today)

48. Feynman’s Relativistic Electrodynamics Paradox and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect. A. Caprez, H. Batelaan, Foundations of Physics, p. 295, vol. 39, (2009).
(Highlighted in Wolfram Mathematica)

47. S. Hilbert, A. Neukirch, C. J. G. J. Uiterwaal, H. Batelaan, "Exploring temporal and rate limits of laser-induced electron emission", J. Phys. B, 141001, vol. 42 (2009).
(Selected for the J.Phys.B 2009 yearly highlights.)

46. Liubov Kreminska, Carl Corder, Vanessa Engquist, Oleksiy Golovin, Peter Hansen, Herman Batelaan, Anatoliy I. Khizhnyak, Grover A. Swartzlander, Jr., Laser beam shaping: donut mode formation by interference (10 pages), Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7430, 743018 (2009)

45. A. Caprez, R. Bach, S. McGregor, H. Batelaan, "A wide angle grating bi-prism beam splitter", J. Phys. B. 42 , 165503 (2009).

44. S. Hilbert, B. Barwick, C. J. G. J. Uiterwaal, H. Batelaan, A. Zewail, "Temporal lenses for attosecond and femtosecond electron pulses", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, p. 10558, vol. 106, (2009).
(Featured in

43. Barwick, B; Batelaan, H, "Aharonov-Bohm phase shifts induced by laser pulses", New J. Phys, 10, 10.1088/1367 (2008)

42. Macroscopic Test of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect. A. Caprez, B. Barwick, and H. Batelaan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 210401 (2007)
(Editor’s choice PRL, Cover PRL, Featured in, featured in Nature.)

41. A high repetition rate time-of-flight electron energy analyzer. S. A. Hilbert, B. Barwick, M. Fabrikant, C. J. G. J. Uiterwaal, and H. Batelaan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 173506 (2007).

40. Tip-top imaging. H. Batelaan and C. J. G. J. Uiterwaal, Nature 446, 500 (2007).
(Invited, News and Views)

39. Laser-induced ultrafast electron emission from a field emission tip. B Barwick, C Corder, J Strohaber, N Chandler-Smith, C. J. G. J. Uiterwaal and H Batelaan, New J. Phys. 9, 142 (2007).

38. Colloquium: Illuminating the Kapitza-Dirac effect with electron matter optics. H. Batelaan. Rev. of Mod. Phys. 79, 929 (2007)

37. Acoustical analog to quantum mechanical level-splitting. S. Hilbert and H. Batelaan, Am. J. Phys. 75, 1003 (2007).

36. A three grating electron interferometer. G. Gronniger, B. Barwick, and H. Batelaan, New. J. Phys. 8, 224 (2006).

35. A measurement of electron-wall interactions using transmission diffraction from nanofabricated gratings, B. Barwick, G. Gronniger, L. Yuan, S. Liou and H. Batelaan, J. Appl. Phys. 100 074322 (2006)
(Featured in Oct. 30, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)

34. Entanglement Evolution in the Presence of Decoherence. J. Wang, H. Batelaan, J. Podany, and A. F. Starace J. Phys. B. 39, 4343 (2006).
(Featured in J. Phys. B. Highlights of 2006).

33. Focused-laser interferometric position sensor. S. Friedman, B. Barwick, and H. Batelaan, Rev. Sci. Instr. 76, 123106 (2005).

32. Nano-Fabricated Gratings for Electrons.G. Gronniger, B. Barwick, T. Savas, A. Cronin, D. Pritchard, and H. Batelaan Applied Phys. Lett. 12, 124104 (2005).

31. Resonant atomic diffraction: real versus imaginary potentials. S. J. Friedman, H.Gao, and H. Batelaan. J. of Modern Opt. 52, 2475 (2005).

30. Experimental studies of light propagation and storage in warm atomic gases. H. Gao, M. Rosenberry, J. Wang, and H. Batelaan J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 1857-1866 (2005).

29. On the possibility of electron “acousto-optical” modulation. (invited, 7 pages) H. Batelaan, Robert A Mertens, SPIE Warsaw, (2005).

28. Electron Diffraction from Free-Standing, Metal-Coated Transmission Gratings. G. Gronniger, B. Barwick, H. Batelaan, T. Savas, D. Pritchard, A. Cronin, Applied Phys. Lett. 87:124104 (2005).

27. Kapitza-Dirac diffraction without standing waves: diffraction without a grating? O. Smirnova, D. L. Freimund, H. Batelaan, M. Ivanov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 223601/1 (2004).

26. Low-pressure source of slow metastable rare gas atoms. M. H. L. van der Velden, H. Batelaan, E. te Sligte, H. C. W. Beijerinck, and E. J. D. Vredenbregt, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75 1073 (2004)

25. Light storage with light of arbitrary polarization, H. Gao, M. Rosenberry, and H. Batelaan, Phys. Rev. A 67, 053807-1-053807-4 (2003).
(feature in Hindu, online edition of India’s national newspaper, Nov 6, 2003, and featured in ScienceDaily, Oct 30, 2003)

24. A microscopic Stern-Gerlach magnet for electrons? (invited) D.L. Freimund, and H. Batelaan, Laser Phys. 13, 1, (2003)

23. Bragg scattering of free electrons using the Kapitza-Dirac effect. D. L. Freimund, and H. Batelaan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 283602-1-283602-4 (2002).

22. Electrons, Stern-Gerlach magnets, and quantum mechanical propagation. (invited) H. Batelaan, American Journal of Physics 70, 325 (2002).

21. Illuminating photons with electrons, (invited) H.Batelaan, 68, 210 NTvN, Dutch Journal of Physics (2002).

20. Phase and absorption gratings for electrons. (invited, 8 pages) G. Hong, G. Gronniger, D. Freimund, A. Cronin, and H. Batelaan, XVIII ICAP 2002 Proceedings, Ed. H. R. Sadeghpour , D. E. Pritchard , and E. J. Heller, Publisher: World Scientific, Volume XVIII (2002).

19. Progress with Optically Pumped Sources of Polarized Electrons, M. A. Rosenberry, H. Batelaan, J. P. Reyes, T. J. Gay, in Correlations, Polarization, and Ionization in Atomic Systems (2002).

18. Observation of the Kapitza-Dirac effect. D. L. Freimund, K. Aflatooni, and H. Batelaan, Nature 413, 142-143 (2001).
(Featured in Nature 413, 117-118, 2001, Boston Globe online Oct 2001, Physics World Oct 2001, Volkskrant national Dutch newspaper Sep 2001, La Recherche Jan 2002, Physics Today Jan 2002)

17. Quantum-Mechanical Analysis of a Longitudinal Stern-Gerlach Effect. G. Gallup, H. Batelaan, T. J. Gay, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2001)

16. The Kapitza-Dirac effect. (invited) H. Batelaan, Contemporary Phys., 41, 369-381 (2000).

15. An optically pumped electron spin filter. H. Batelaan, B. Hitt, A. Green, and T.J. Gay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 4216 (1999).

14. Batelaan and Gay Reply. H. Batelaan, T. J. Gay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 4773 (1998).

13. Stern-Gerlach effect for electron beams. H. Batelaan, T. J. Gay, and J. J. Schwendiman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4517 (1997)
(featured in Physics World, Jan 1998)

12. Classical and quantum fringes of atoms. (invited) H.Batelaan, S.Bernet, M.Oberthaler, E.Rasel, J.Schmiedmayer and A.Zeilinger, Atom Interferometry, Ed. Paul R. Berman, Academic Press, New York, (1997).

11. Anomalous transmission in atom optics. (invited) H.Batelaan, E.Rasel, M.Oberthaler, J.Schmiedmayer and Anton Zeilinger, Special Issue: Quantum state preparation and Measurement, J. Mod. Opt. 44 2629 (1997)

10. Atom wave interferometry with gratings of light. E.Rasel, M.K.Oberthaler, H.Batelaan, J. Schmiedmayer and Anton Zeilinger, 75 Phys.Rev.Lett. 2633 (1995).

9. Slowing of Rb atoms with isotropic light. H.Batelaan, S.Padua, D.H.Yang, C.Xie, R.Gupta and H.Metcalf, Phys.Rev.A 49 2780-2784 (1994).

8. Bichromatic laser cooling in a three level system. R.Gupta, C.Xie, S.Padua, H.Batelaan and H. Metcalf, Phys.Rev.Lett. 71 3087-90 (1993).

7. Simplest atomic system for sub-Doppler laser cooling. R. Gupta, S. Padua, C. Xie, H. Batelaan, and H. Metcalf, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 11, 537 (1993).

6. Transient laser cooling. S. Padua, C. Xie,, R. Gupta, H. Batelaan, and H. Metcalf, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 382 (1993).

5. Relative differential cross sections for the electron impact excitation of the 33P, 31D, and 33D states of helium. H. Batelaan, F. Vercoulen, J. van Eck and H. G. M. Heideman, J. Phys. B. 25 4911-4916 (1992).

4. The influence of negative ion resonances on the elctron impact excitation of the 33D state of helium near 60 eV. H. Batelaan, J. van Eck and H. G. M. Heideman, J. Phys. B. 24 5151-5167 (1991).

3. In plane coincident measurements on the excitation of the 31D and 33D states of helium by electron impact. H. Batelaan, J. van Eck and H. G. M. Heideman, J. Phys. B. 24 L397-403 (1991).

2. Electron impact excitation of the 33P state of helium: coherence parameters. H. Batelaan, J. van Eck and H. G. M. Heideman, J. Phys. B. 23 3993-4004 (1990).

1. Measurement of the coherence parameters for the electron impact excitation of the 31D state of helium at small electron scattering angles. H. Batelaan, J. van Eck and H. G. M. Heideman, J. Phys. B. L741-L745 (1988).